Does your dog have a favorite toy? When they do, it seems as if they are never very far from it. If they do happen to get separated from it, they often will go get it as quickly as possible. At times, however, there may be something that stands in the way of them getting back their cherished toy. For Lupe, a Chihuahua-dachshund mix, it was something most unusual.
On this day, Lupe had been playing with his toy outside but when he came in, he forgot all about it. It didn’t take him long to recognize his error but there was something keeping him from retrieving his toy; a wild fox. This is probably something that very few people have seen in their life but thankfully, we have it on video. The fox came along and decided he was going to play with the toy that was left behind. All poor Lupe was able to do is sit there behind a window and watch as his toy became the possession of another animal.

I’ve never seen a fox playing with a toy quite like this. He is having a blast, rolling, jumping and pouncing as he kept himself entertained. The fox is having almost too much fun but poor Lupe couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch.

Lupe was not very happy with this turn of events and he threw a fit that showed his displeasure with what was taking place.

The funny thing is, the fox was not bothered by the barking. He just continued playing as if it was his toy all along.
You can watch Lupe and the playful fox in action in this video: